Who can play TOP soccer?
Our program is uniquely tailored to meet the needs of children and young adults who have cognitive or physical disabilities. All our school age players are on IEPs or 504's and are likely receiving physical and/or occupational therapy as part of their school curriculum. Players beyond school age have a clearly diagnosed special need.  We have many players with Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, Down Syndrome, Autism, and a variety of other syndromes. We have players who use crutches, walkers, other physical aids, and some who have visual or auditory impairments. We also have a team just for those needing to use a wheelchair.  We try our best to accommodate everyone with a desire to play. If there is a doubt as to whether your child can (and should) play with us, please ask! We also ask that our players wait until the year they turn 4 years old.  There is no upper age limit.

Where do I register to play?
Registration online on our Player Registration.

Please register and pay online.

How much does it cost to play?
Fees are $50 for Spring Indoor, $125 for Summer Camp and $75 for Fall Outdoor. Please sign up for spring and fall sessions separately. Payment can be made online using our registration page.  For paper registration, checks should be made out to CINCINNATI TOPSOCCER and sent to the address on the form.

What should we bring to practice and games?
Players wear comfortable clothing, gym shoes or cleats and shin guards.  Please bring a full water bottle and a ball if you have one. (ball not required)

Can I volunteer to help out with TOP Soccer?
We are always looking for enthusiastic dedicated individuals who can make a difference in the lives of our players. We need coaches, assistant coaches, and volunteers who can attend our practices and games and help each player reach their fullest ability. We also need talented men and women to serve in our many administrative duties. We need people to order uniforms, set up fields, solicit donations, organize our tournament, and endless other functions. Let us know what talents and time you can contribute, and we can put you to work. We also can use people who wish to do something on a more periodic basis. Perhaps your soccer team, church group, or company would like to help at one of our practices or games. We are always looking for unique and exciting ways to make Cincinnati TOPSoccer the best it can be. We welcome your ideas!

If you would like to volunteer, please register online. Volunteer Registration.  If you have questions about volunteer opportunities or sponsorships, please e-mail Randy Corey. Thanks for your help and support!

When do we play the games?
Game days for Fall Outdoor Season are always Sundays at 4pm.  Please check out our Schedule page. We are constantly updating it to keep you informed.

Do you have an email list that I can join?
Player or Volunteer registration includes email and text announcements.

How do I get to the playing fields?
We have provided driving directions and maps on our Fields and Maps page. Please check for your appropriate field.

How do I submit photos and quotes?
You may submit your photos and quotes to Randy Corey via email. Please limit the size of your email to 5mb or less. JPG and GIF files are accepted formats for photos. Quotes can be sent as a Word file, text, or even a sound file. Please help us out and send your photos and words of encouragement!